


自然の美しさに浸る! 当社のイスタンブールからの日帰りサパンジャとマシュキエツアーに参加し、緑豊かな風景と輝く湖へのリフレッシュできる逃避行を楽しんでください。美しい町サパンジャと魅力的な村マシュキエを訪れ、冒険と静けさが見事に融合した場所を体験します。この魅力的な旅では、さまざまなアクティビティ、美味しい地元料理、そして忘れられない思い出をお楽しみいただけます。今すぐツアーを予約し、サパンジャの静けさとマシュキエの魅力を発見しましょう!


  • ホテルピックアップ(8:00 - 8:30 AM): 当社のプロフェッショナルなチームがイスタンブール市内の中心部にあるホテルからお客様をお迎えし、快適な一日のスタートをサポートします。
  • ダリジャ動物園: オプションで、255種類の動物が展示されている活気に満ちたダリジャ動物園を探索できます(夏季のみ利用可能)。または、ライオンパークと水族館への風光明媚な海路を楽しんでください。
  • サパンジャ湖: マルマラ地方で2番目に大きい湖であるサパンジャ湖を発見し、穏やかな環境の美しさに浸りながら自由時間をお楽しみください。
  • マフムディエの冒険: 次にマフムディエに進み、スリリングなジップラインや水上アクティビティを楽しむことができます。
  • 自然の抱擁の中でのランチ: 滝のような山々に囲まれた場所で、地元の料理の味わいを楽しみながら素晴らしいランチをお楽しみください。
  • マシュキエの発見: 「愛の村」として知られるマシュキエでは、ATVサファリジップライン、そして巨大なブランコなどのアクティビティを提供しています。冒険に挑戦するか、静かな雰囲気を楽しむことができます。
  • ケーブルカーの冒険: サパンジャとカルテペ山の壮大な景色を楽しみながら、ケーブルカーでの往復を体験してください。
  • 地元の宝物: ツアーの最後には、トルコの喜び、石鹸、ハーブ製品、蜂蜜、ジャム、ナッツなどの地域の製品を提供する地元の施設を訪れます。イスタンブールに戻る前に、地元の買い物をお楽しみください。
  • ドロップオフ: 午後6時までにホテルへお送りします。


  • ホテルピックアップとドロップオフ: ホテルへの便利な交通手段。
  • ランチ: 地元の風味を楽しめる素晴らしい食事。
  • ガイドサービス: 経験豊富な英語を話すツアーガイドが同行します。
  • 交通: 快適で手間のかからない輸送が含まれています。


  • 個人的な費用: 追加の購入や個人的な要求は含まれていません。
  • チップ: スタッフやガイドへのチップは含まれていません。
  • ATVサファリ: ATVアクティビティの費用はパッケージに含まれていません。
  • ジップライン: ジップライン体験の費用はツアー料金に含まれていません。
  • 巨大なブランコ: 巨大なブランコの費用は含まれていません。
  • ダリジャ動物園入場料: 動物園の入場料はツアーに含まれていません。
  • ガラステラス入場料: ガラステラスの入場料は含まれていません。
  • ケーブルカー: ケーブルカーの費用はツアー料金に含まれていません。


  • ピックアップ: 午前8:00~8:30の間にホテルからお迎えします。
  • ドロップオフ: 午後6:00頃にホテルにお送りします。


利用可能な日:月曜日, 火曜日, 水曜日, 木曜日, 金曜日, 土曜日, 日曜日


20% 割引



Fatıma al hannan 4.0 / 5 とても良い

"Fatıma al hannan がレビューを残して言いました:

On-time pick-up, comfortable bus, and a professional, friendly guide. Thanks for the great service! The natural beauty of Masukiye was stunning, and Sapanca Lake was fantastic. Enjoyed the lovely views while relaxing at a café by the lake. Lunch near the waterfall was delightful, and the ATV ride was thrilling. Kartepe was covered in snow, making it a perfect time to visit. I highly recommend this experience to everyone. Thanks, turkeytour.net!

salman ratham 4.0 / 5 とても良い

"salman ratham がレビューを残して言いました:

Our group had a wonderful time! There were so many people, and we enjoyed music by the lake, delicious lunch in Sapanca and Masukiye, ATV safari, and plenty of snow at Kartal. It was a fantastic day, and our guide was great. Thank you for your recommendation!

Abu dahham 5.0 / 5 素晴らしい

"Abu dahham がレビューを残して言いました:

We experienced some of the most beautiful greens today. Thank you for hosting us—it was lovely!

Rami 5.0 / 5 素晴らしい

"Rami がレビューを残して言いました:

It was a wonderful trip! We loved Mahmudiye and Sapanca Lake. Thanks to our guide, we had so much fun. I will recommend this to all my friends!

Salma elkhazin 5.0 / 5 素晴らしい

"Salma elkhazin がレビューを残して言いました:

The tour was excellent, and we had a great time. The tour guide was so helpful and professional, and the driver did a great job. A big thanks to him for advising us to take this tour. I encourage all tourists to take this tour. Looking forward to doing it again.

Waleed Nasser 5.0 / 5 素晴らしい

"Waleed Nasser がレビューを残して言いました:

A wonderful trip led by wonderful guides Thank you!

Hammam Zayd 5.0 / 5 素晴らしい

"Hammam Zayd がレビューを残して言いました:

It was a truly beautiful trip, and I want to extend special thanks to the guide, who managed the team and kept everything on schedule.

Mohammed 5.0 / 5 素晴らしい

"Mohammed がレビューを残して言いました:

Today, we visited Sapanca with the fantastic guide Anna, and it was a day of a lifetime! I enjoyed it so much. If you’re looking to go anywhere, join this tour—believe me, you won’t regret it. Thank you for everything!

HALID SAAD IBRAHIM 5.0 / 5 素晴らしい

"HALID SAAD IBRAHIM がレビューを残して言いました:

It was a fantastic tour, and we thoroughly enjoyed our time! I will definitely choose this company again when I return. The timing and guidance provided by the guide were perfect. He was a friendly, funny, and smart person. Thank you for the excellent service! Mahşukiye was my favorite place!

HIBA AWAD REDEL 5.0 / 5 素晴らしい

"HIBA AWAD REDEL がレビューを残して言いました:

I truly appreciate the significant effort you've put in, and I will definitely seek your services during my next visit to Istanbul. Sending my best regards to our tour guide for his assistance and patience. Thank you very much!

SALEM ALKHOWER 5.0 / 5 素晴らしい

"SALEM ALKHOWER がレビューを残して言いました:

This is my first time in Turkey, and I absolutely loved both Sapanca and Masukiye. Our guide provided thorough explanations and was incredibly helpful. I highly recommend this agency!

ISAM SINDI 5.0 / 5 素晴らしい

"ISAM SINDI がレビューを残して言いました:

I highly recommend this tour to everyone! I had a wonderful time visiting beautiful places with the guide. Thank you for the amazing experience!

Muhammad 5.0 / 5 素晴らしい

"Muhammad がレビューを残して言いました:

I really enjoyed the trip! The leader did a fantastic job engaging with the group and providing a wealth of information about the tour and the city. I appreciate the cooperation from everyone involved. Thank you to our guide for making it all possible!

hassan 5.0 / 5 素晴らしい

"hassan がレビューを残して言いました:

We had an amazing experience! Everything was well-organized, and our guide did an excellent job of explaining everything to us. Many thanks for making it such a memorable trip!

Mahmood alblooshi - 5.0 / 5 素晴らしい

"Mahmood alblooshi - がレビューを残して言いました:

I loved every aspect of the experience—from the timing to the overall organization. I can't wait to return to Turkey on my next visit! Suleyman was incredibly kind, helpful, and an excellent guide. I truly hope he achieves everything he aspires to, as he deserves it for being such a wonderful person. The company was simply perfect!

Mansuri 5.0 / 5 素晴らしい

"Mansuri がレビューを残して言いました:

We had a fantastic time with our professional tour guide. His knowledge and approach were exceptional, making the experience truly enjoyable. We wholeheartedly recommend him to our friends!

Kawther Ahmad 5.0 / 5 素晴らしい

"Kawther Ahmad がレビューを残して言いました:

What an incredible experience filled with unexpected sights and activities! I highly recommend this for anyone looking to enjoy a fantastic time in nature, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Suleyman truly made our day unforgettable with his competence and friendly approach as the trip organizer.

Elsa Andansari 5.0 / 5 素晴らしい

"Elsa Andansari がレビューを残して言いました:

It was a delightful trip with a wonderful driver and guide. They were incredibly courteous, making our experience enjoyable. I look forward to traveling with them every time I visit Turkey. The tour price is quite reasonable for the quality of service provided. The guide was thorough in offering advice, explaining everything, and answering all my questions. Suleyman is an excellent guide, and the company is impressively professional and well-organized.

Nasif 5.0 / 5 素晴らしい

"Nasif がレビューを残して言いました:

The tour was fantastic, led by our guide. The lake, zoo, and Masukiye were wonderful places to explore. However, the food didn't meet our expectations. Regardless, everything else went smoothly, and we appreciate all the effort put in!

Cruz Noori 5.0 / 5 素晴らしい

"Cruz Noori がレビューを残して言いました:

An excellent one-day escape from the city! The natural beauty and lake views were stunning, making it a must-visit for anyone in Istanbul. Our guide was incredibly friendly, with a fantastic sense of humor. He provided a wealth of useful information and took us to the best spots. Definitely a five-star experience!

Mona Chabah 5.0 / 5 素晴らしい

"Mona Chabah がレビューを残して言いました:

Today's tour was absolutely delightful! We were picked up promptly, and the scenery in Sapanca was stunning. The bus was comfortable and even had charging ports for our phones. Our tour guide was incredibly friendly and helpful, speaking excellent English and offering directions and advice whenever necessary. My family and I thoroughly enjoyed our time, and I would highly recommend this tour!

Fatimah Mohammed 4.0 / 5 とても良い

"Fatimah Mohammed がレビューを残して言いました:

It was a nice tour with amazing places along the way! The bus was filled with families, and everyone, including us, was happy. I recommend taking this tour during the summer, as the cold can limit the experience!

Shoaib 5.0 / 5 素晴らしい

"Shoaib がレビューを残して言いました:

My family and I, including our small children, participated in the daily Sapanca Masukiye Tour, and everything was perfect. The tour bus was equipped with air conditioning, and the Arabic-speaking guide was incredibly helpful. It was such a comfortable experience, even with kids. We were very happy and at ease throughout the tour!

Mohsin 5.0 / 5 素晴らしい

"Mohsin がレビューを残して言いました:

My family and I had a wonderful time on the Sapanca and Masukiye tour. Thank you!

レビュー フォーム






22 レビュー
50% 割引: オンライン決済
¥5,552.74開始価格 ¥11,105.49 節約する ¥5,552.75
5.0 / 5
35 レビュー
20% 割引: オンライン決済
¥3,807.60開始価格 ¥4,759.49 節約する ¥951.89
4.9 / 5
116 レビュー
12% 割引: オンライン決済
¥4,886.41開始価格 ¥5,552.74 節約する ¥666.33
4.9 / 5
6 レビュー
20% 割引: 現金支払い
¥10,153.59開始価格 ¥12,691.98 節約する ¥2,538.39
4.7 / 5
10 レビュー
2% 割引: オンライン決済
イスタンブール トルコ風呂体験 伝統的なリラクゼーション
¥11,660.76開始価格 ¥11,898.74 節約する ¥237.98
5.0 / 5